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Staying Fit

Do you have questions but don't necessarily need a sleep plan? Are you tired of all the google searches? Let's talk through it!!

Let's Talk Baby Sleep
Lina crib_edited.jpg


60 min call

This is a single phone call for those who have a specific question about their child's sleep, such as a set back or a transition. (Not meant for actual sleep training, as a different package would be needed). An example of a question may be;

-How to make the transition into baby's room.

-Working on lengthening a nap.

-Help during a sleep regression.

A follow up email will be sent summarizing the phone call. 

To be used at any time.


PRICE: $147


If you have any questions about any of the packages offered, or if you need help deciding which package is right for you, please schedule a free 15 minute Sleep Assessment Call. Please note: I am generally not able to offer sleep advice during this short phone call, as I wont have time to gather all the information needed to give good recommendations. 

For FAQ's about sleep training or about the packages,
you can find that here!
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